Open system with all resins at 405nm for a world of processing

Our 3D printers offer a highly versatile open system compatible with all 405nm resins. This openness allows users to customize print parameters for any 405nm resin, ensuring maximum flexibility and continuity of use. Whether your customers use specific resins or wish to explore new options, our printers ensure seamless integration for optimal results, without compromising quality or performance. The ability to parameterize any type of resin at 405nm offers total control over the printing process, ensuring the best end product every time.

Resins Available

Water Washable 2HD Light Grey


Water Washable 2HD Beige


Certified resins

Brand Resin
3DB Water Washable 2HD Beige
3DB Water Washable 2HD Light Grey
KEYSTONE Keyprint KeyGuide
KEYSTONE Keyprint KeyMask
KEYSTONE Keyprint Model
DENTONA Optiprint Cast
DENTONA Optiprint Clara
DENTONA Optiprint Gingiva
DENTONA Optiprint Laviva
DENTONA Optiprint Lumina
DENTONA Optiprint Guide
DENTONA Optiprint Tray


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